Production History

Prior to August 2019, we produced plays unofficially and independently under the name of “Stage Rage”. Here is the Stage Rage production history.


War: A Love Story: A re-imagination of the story of Aphrodite, seen through the eyes of three Furies who are sick of the Greek Patriarchy.
[Reviews] [Details & Photos]

Waking Nightmare: The myth of Phaedra retold with modern language and some dancing.
[Details & Photos]


Paradise Lost: Local playwright Michael Cheung writes an adaptation of Milton’s classic.
[Details & Photos]

Forgotten Siren: Megan Tripaldi portrays a siren and tells their story with a series of original songs.
[Details & Photos]


You and I and the End of the World: A post-WWII tale written by Megan Tripaldi with original music by Amanda Bonnevie.
[Details & Photos]

Little Boy, Love Goat: A love story about a playful Pan written by Carmen Maria Mandley.
[Review] [Details & Photos]


King Lear: Megan Tripaldi’s fast pace adaption of Shakespeare’s classic, with lovely costumes by Kennith Lynx.
[Details & Photos]